Friday, November 13, 2009


Like Burgess Meredith's character in that great Twilight Zone episode, I find that I now have "Time Enough at Last" to read as many books as I want - and anyone who knows me knows I enjoy reading. Also like that character, I get my books from the library. However, I buy them from the sales tables, usually 50 cents for paperbacks, and $1 to $3 bucks for hardcovers. Most of my current collection of "To Be Read" books are paperbacks. Purchasing them seems to be a better choice then waiting for a nuclear holocaust.

Having a car allows me to expand my range of local libraries and I'm currently up to 9 different branch offices in 2 different counties that encompass 5 different cities. Sounds like a lot, but they're really not that far apart, and I usually limit my search to 5 really close ones. Currently, my backlog runs to about 100 books.

What I intend to do here, is review these books as I read them and give you an idea of how they are so you can make up your own mind as to whether to read them or not. These reviews will be posted randomly, and include whatever books have been read since the last posting. Since this is my blog, it will also include my thoughts on TV shows and/or movies I've seen, recent news events I have a comment about, and any other thing I wish to get off my chest. In these instances, the comments do reflect the views of the management.

Stay tuned for the first chapter, which should include every book I've read since the beginning of September. Hopefully, it will be posted next week.

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