It's the start of a new year and we've just gone through the worst snow storm in years. I stayed in all day yesterday which gave me time to catch up on my sleep and finish a few things - specifically a book. Here are this month's selections.
Lincoln - Gore Vidal ($.50/$4.95, copyright 1984, 657 pages, Paperback)
I read this in Hardcover format when it was first released (it was a selection of a book club I belonged to at the time) and I happened across it recently at a library sale. It centers on Lincoln's experiences during the Civil War and is one of the best works of historical fiction I've read. It gets into the minds and motives of the men surrounding Lincoln, including his personal secretary John Hay, cabinet members William Seward and Salmon P. Chase, and his wife, Mary Todd. It is a longer book then I usually read but it's fascinating and it never loses sight of the intimate and personal in its depiction of the power struggles that accompanied Lincoln's efforts to preserve the Union at all costs. I enjoyed it.
Off The Shelf
Flashman - George MacDonald Fraser ($.95/$.95, copyright1969, 246 pages, Paperback)
This is a book for lovers of historical fiction, military fiction, or British history, but will be enjoyed by those who otherwise would never read in these areas. This is the first book in a series and introduces Harry Flashman beginning with his being expelled from school (he was the bully in "Tom Brown's School Days"), forced into the British Army, and suddenly finding himself in the midst of the disastrous British Afghan campaign. He is a coward but he has the extraordinary ability to come out of tight situations looking like a hero. Fraser has created a truly unique character and uses him to have fun with history and historical characters. I enjoyed it.
I lucked out today and found someone to dig out my car for $25. I've been home all afternoon working on a few things and now I'll be starting a new book. Who has it better then me?
Stay tuned for next month and ...
Keep reading!